Time is the most crucial entity in today’s world. Masterclock manages time in the most efficient way possible. We supplies high quality, cost-effective master clocks and precision time solutions.
Today many radio clocks are synchronized by radio signals or internet connections to a worldwide time system called Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) which is governed by master atomic clocks in many countries.
• Time Servers: A time server is a server computer that reads the actual time from a reference clock and distributes this information to its clients using a computer network. The time server may be a local network time server or an internet time server.The most important and widely used protocol for distributing and synchronizing time over the Internet is the Network Time Protocol (NTP), though other less-popular or outdated time protocols continue in use. A variety of protocols are in common use for sending time signals over radio links and serial connections.The most common true time source is a GPS or GPS master clock. Time servers are sometimes multi-purpose network servers, dedicated network servers, or dedicated devices. All a dedicated time server does is provide accurate time.
• Controller: Controller is the main part of the system which controls the entire system and can be interfaced with other systems for automatic time scheduling via relay switching contacts.
• Master clock: A master clock is a precision clock that provides timing signals to synchronize slave clocks as part of a clock network
• Analog Clocks/Digital clocks: A clock is an instrument to indicate, keep, and co-ordinate time. as we all know there are mainly two types of clocks Analogue type and Digital types.