Token System

A simple to use linear queuing solution suitable for retail, finance and any queuing situation where the transaction times are short and the objective is to keep queuing times moderate as well. It can use the standard Qmatic hardware including displays and terminals making it a powerful system building block for any size or capacity of linear queuing solution from basic system to highly customised ones. With a built-in HD video output to provide graphical content on standard displays Solo Linea can be used either with standard high-contrast low-power Qmatic LED main displays or with full HD graphics or both. Sound is also built-in making installation even simpler.  

Any establishment in the pursuit of providing some service to the society cannot be having infinite resources to make the waiting time for getting served a zero. Hence there must be some kind of queue that has to be managed in a transparent & just full manner.  

Managing a queue is much more serious problem when the time required to serve a person cannot be predetermined. This is very much true in case of health care services where the time taken depends on type of disease, interaction with the patient etc. The least that patient expects is to get served on first come first serve basis. To ensure this one of the methods that was traditionally followed was to handover recycled tokens to the patients walking in and make them meet concerned consultant on being called. This manual process is very tedious and prone to human errors, suspicion of tampering and communication problems among hospital staff. Such problems made it necessary to have automatic Token Management System in place.  

• Token Dispenser Unit: used to get a Token printed & to register a token no. for a particular service  

• Token calling unit: used to call a registered Token number.  

• Token Display Unit: used to display called token no., room no. of the service provider and announce the token no. in two languages predefined. 

• Token Hub: This is main module of the entire system which receives request from all the Token Dispenser Units and maintains one queue for every service. Likewise it can maintain upto maximum of 8 service queues. It can get connected to a maximum of 16 dispenser units & accepts service request from all of them.